lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

¡Más cupcakes! - More cupcakes!

Todas estas 'cupcakes' las hice la semana pasada para que Alex las llevara a la oficina por su cumpleaños. Son de tres sabores distintos: limón con nata montada de limón; chocolate con nata montada y virutas de chocolate; y café y nueces con 'butter cream' de café.
Por lo visto, fueron todo un éxito. Debajo adjunto un par de e-mails de los muchos que le llegaron a Alex...
I made all of these cupcakes last week for Alex to take to the office for his birthday. They are three different flavors: lemon with lemon whipped cream; chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate shaves; and coffee and walnut with coffee butter cream.
Apparently, they were a big hit. Below, I'm attaching a couple of the e-mails that Alex received...

"Hi Alex. Happy birthday have a fab evening. Please tell your wife she makes amazing cakes - the chocolate one was yummy!! Does she take orders - I know a lot of people that would order for parties etc (myself included) J"

"Mrs Green has not disappointed!. D"