Such an important birthday deserves a very special present, so for Alex's granny's 90th birthday, I have made this cross-stitched picture with her name, her birthday and the date. She has liked it very much! On the birthday party everyone asked me how long it had taken me to finish it... and the truth is that I don't know exactly, but it has taken me some time indeed, due to the large amount of back stitch on the picture.
martes, 31 de agosto de 2010
Bordado de flores - Flower embroidery
¡Feliz 90 cumpleaños! - Happy 90th Birthday!
Para el abuelo de Alex... - For Alex's grandad...
This is the card I have made this year for Alex's grandad, who loves dogs... His birthday was on 15th August, although he didn't celebrated it until last Sunday . He is 87 years old!
jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010
Abecedario de flores - Flower alphabet
Isn't it incredible that I made this cushion nearly ten years ago...It is an alphabet where each letter is the initial of the flower next to it (in Spanish, this is). I remember that I saw it in a magazine and I couldn't resist making it. Now, it took me most of that summer to finish it...The other day I took it to a cross-stitch demonstration that I did, and it was what everyone liked the most.
viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010
¡Feliz 30 cumpleaños! - Happy 30th Birthday!
This is the card that I made for my friend Catherine for her 30th birthday on 10th August. Of course, I couldn't resist to make the matching envelope and a little box where Emily and me placed her present...This pop-up card has been the first one I have made of this kind: they look complicated at first, but actually they are quite simple to make...
lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010
¡Se ecológica: recicla! - Go green: recycle!
I made these baskets four years ago, and I haven't stopped using them since then. They are the perfect solution to recycle "in style" at home, although I have to admit that Alex is the one empting them every week, not me... The band is been cross-stitched onto beige Aida.
viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010
¡La solución perfecta! - The perfect solution!
This is the solution I have come up with to store my cross-stitch projects while I am working on them. Before, I used to fold the Aida fabric and put it away like that until I needed to work on it again, but the folds in the fabric used to be so firm, that they were noticeable even after ironing... so one day I thought of covering a cardboard tube (from a kitchen roll...) with some spare fabric that I had at home. This way, now I am able to store the Aida fabric without creasing it. To keep it in place I made a fabric strap with a popper at the end. Original, eh?
Bolsa para cubiertos - Cutlery bag
This is another super-fast project that I made the other evening after dinner...At work I can never find my cutlery inside my locker (because is always full of stuff...), so I decided to make this little bag so I always know where the cutlery is. I made it with a piece of thin plasticised fabric that I had bought and some ribbon, Velcro and fabric glue that I had a ta home. The result is not bad at all!
jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010
¡Es niña! - It's a girl!
Esta pañalera se la he hecho a Nikola, la hija de mi amiga Kasia, por su primer cumpleaños el pasado mes de Julio. La tela la eligió Kasia y yo hice el diseño. También la he hecho una bolsa organizadora para colgar a los pies de la cuna y otra bolsita para guardar lo que ella quiera.
I have made this nappy stacker for Nikola, my friend Kasia's daughter, for her first birthday last July. Kasia chose the fabric and I made the design. I have also made her a cot organizing bag and another little bag to keep whatever she wants.
Collar multicolor - Multi-coloured necklace
They look like "Smarties" and one wants to eat them all..., but they are Fimo beads that I made for this colourful necklace that I so often ware. It is very light and I have also got a matching bracelet!
Lista para la compra - Shopping list pad
Look what I made the other evening in just half an hour! With a piece of cardboard and some scrap paper and ribbon that I had at home, I made this beautiful shopping list pad. Even the paper clip and the pen match! Now I have no excuse to forget anything when I go to Waitrose...
iDeal para el iPod - iDeal for the iPod
I made this nearly two years ago, but I had to post it in my blog...It is a felt cover for my iPod so it doesn't get scratch inside my handbag. Apple might like my design...
'The very hungry caterpillar' - 'La oruga glotona'
El segundo juego ha sido para Ines (la hija de mi amiga Alicia), por su primer cumpleaños que fue en julio.
La tela del babero es de algodón y por detrás es de felpa blanca; el mantelito es igual por los dos lados y va acolchado. La tarjeta, casera, por supuesto.
Cute or what? I bought the plates and the cup, but I made the bib and the table matt myself (in fact, I made two sets!). The first set was for Lucía (my friend Patricia's daughter), who was born last June. Her table matt had a different picture, but I haven't got any pictures of it...
The second set was for Ines (my friend Alicia's daughter), whose first birthday was last July.
The bib was made with cotton fabric and towelling, and the table matt is padded and it has the same fabric on both sides. The card is handmade, of course.
miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010
Medidor de altura - Growth chart
I made this cute growth chart for my friend Feli's son, Benjamín, for his first birthday last April. The center part is been cross-stitched and then sewn onto a padded cotton fabric.
Día de la madre (Reino Unido) - Mother's Day (UK)
¡Se licenció! - She graduated!
Pollos, gallos y gallinas - Chickens, cockerels and hens
Cumpleaños de Alex - Alex's Birthday
San Valentín 2010 - Valentine's Day 2010
These are the presents and the card that I made for Alex on Valentine's Day last February (although I ended up eating half of the biscuits myself...). Everything was made with a lot of love!
jueves, 21 de enero de 2010
Broches Lulú - Lulú brooches
Estos son tres broches que hice hace unos meses como modelo para uno de mis encargos. Los he llamado "broches Lulú" en honor a mi amiga Lucy, que es la que me los encargó para su boda el próximo mes de marzo. Se los va a dar a sus invitadas como recuerdo de su gran día. Los broches son de fieltro y los botones de Fimo. ¡Todo hecho a mano, por supuesto!.
These are three brooches that I made a few months ago as samples for an order. I've called them "Lulú brooches" in honour to my friend Lucy, who asked me to make them for her wedding next March. She's going to give them to her female guests as wedding favours. The brooches are made of felt and the buttons are made of Fimo. Everything is hand made, of course!
lunes, 18 de enero de 2010
Corazones de patchwork - Patchwork hearts
Aquí está mi primer proyecto del año: es un paño de cocina que he decorado con unos corazones de patchwork a punto de cruz. El paño de algodón se lo compró mi tía Pilar a mi madre en Portugal, y mi madre me lo dió a mí para que se lo adornara...¡Le ha gustado mucho!
Here is my first project of the year: it's a tea towel that I have decorted with some cross-stitched patchwork hearts. My aunt Pilar bought this cotton tea towel for my mum in Portugal, and then my mum gave it to me and asked me to decorated for her...She liked it a lot!
viernes, 1 de enero de 2010
El comienzo - The beginning
Con la llegada del nuevo año, llegan también los propósitos que nos marcamos para los siguientes doce meses y... ¿cuál es uno de los míos para el 2010? Pues empezar un blog en el que mostrar las distintas manualidades que voy realizando a lo largo del año. Es algo que quería hacer desde hace tiempo y para lo que nunca encontraba el momento adecuado, así que hoy, 1 de enero de 2010, he decidido comenzar.
With the arrival of the new year, we also get the new year resolutions that we set for the next twelve months...Which ones have I got for 2010? Well, one of them is to start a new blog where to share all the crafts that I produce through out the year. It's something that I had wanted to do for a long time, but I had never got round to it. So today, 1st January 2010, I've decided to start.
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