Christmas cards 2011...
lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011
Mantelito navideño - Christmas table mat
It seems unbelievable, but this Christmas table mat that every year I put on a tray... I made it about nine or ten years ago...!. I embroidered it with cross stitch and finished the edges with a hemstitch.
lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011
Tarjetas de agradecimiento - Thank you cards
These are the thank you cards that I have made this year for my birthday. The papers that I have used match the ones in the invitations I sent. I wrote the messages on vellum paper with a glitter pen.
Una tarjeta muy otoñal - A very autumnal card
¡Feliz cumpleaños Kathy! - Happy Birthday Kathy!
Una tarjeta para Ana - A card for Ana
lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011
Tarjetas Laura Ashley - Laura Ashley cards
domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011
Monedero en forma de pera - Pear shaped coin purse
I made this cute coin purse today. I got the fabrics, the clasp and the pattern with a magazine that I brought from work last week. I have added some interfacing to stiffen it a bit and I have sewn it by hand. So easy!
sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011
Menús de Navidad - Christmas menus
El copo de nieve del centro lo hice con Fimo y un sello que tenía en casa. Antes de meterlo al horno, lo espolvoreé con polvo de oro (el de la marca Staedtler...) para darle un efecto metalizado.
I found them today while tiding some papers...they are the menus from last year's different Christmas meals. Mum, Irene and I made them together.
I made the snowflake in the center with Fimo and a stamp that I had at home. Before baking it, I sprinkled it with gold powder (the one that Staedtler makes...) to give it a metallic effect.
jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011
Planificador navideño - Christmas planner
It is that time of the year when this planner starts to be very useful...I made it last year with two pieces of grey board that I had at home, card, papers that I got from a magazine, and lots of double sided tape! (the embellishements are studs from a belt that I didn't like...). It took me a whole weekend to finish it, but I think it turned out very nice.
Cosiendo en azul - Sewing in blue
El costurero me lo regaló Kathy hace unos años por mi cumple. Me gusta mucho así que por ahí empezó lo del color azul...
La caja de los hilos la compré en el trabajo; es de la marca Anchor y, aunque es muy útil, es un poco fea toda de plástico, así que yo la he decorado un poco.
El tarro de cristal lo compré en el vivero de al lado de casa; la tapa es de cerámica y encima le he pegado una etiqueta que he encontrado en Internet.
After years of having all my embroidery threats mixed in a cardboard box... I have finally got organized and tidied all my sewing things.
Kathy bought me the sewing basket a few years ago for my birthday. I like it a lot, so that's the reason for the blue theme...
I bought the box for the threats at work; it is made by Anchor and, while it is very useful, it is a bit ugly just made out of plastic, so I have decorated it a bit...
I bought the glass jar in my local garden center; it has got a ceramic lid and on top I have stuck a label that I found on the Internet.
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